
Grilles are a made to measure visual deterrent, fitted to the inside of doors and Grilleswindows. They can come as curtain pair, or single grille in an attractive lattice style. They have fixed and removable tracks allowing them to be utilised in all applications. Suitable for Domestic, Commercial and Industrial use.

Insurance approved specification.


These are made to measure fixed ‘jail’ bars, where a permanate deterrent is required.

Roller Shutters

Are made to measure and come in galvanised finish with the option of a powder coat colour. They can be automated with a manual override or manual operation only. They have the option of a canopy and can be fitted face fix or reveal fix.

Please call to discuss your requirements or arrange a site survey:
Farnham: 01252 727225
Alton: 01420 542448
Guildford: 01483 299122
Aldershot: 01252 308005
Fleet: 01252 308005
Farnborough: 01252 308066
Camberley: 01252 308066
Basingstoke: 01256 689005
Haslemere: 01428 769459
Bordon: 01420 409346